

To solve the persisting problem in Indian Agricultural System, through the use of Technology & robotics. By the use of robotics and Data Patterns of crop patterns, devise a Farming Robot which could perform the tasks of Sowing, Weeding, Tilling, Irrigation, Pesticide Spraying & specific functions of various crops.


If you pick up a newspaper or see the current news headline, you will surely see the news of the Farms Protest and the issue of Agricultural Plight of our Farmers. Agriculture sector has a dismal contribution to the GDP of 19.9 % despite employing 60 % of the indian population : surely there are problems to address.

So, we have designed a Farming-Robot that could do the basic tasks of Sowing, Ploughing, irrigation, Weeding and Specific tasks like plucking in case of cotton, picking etc.

For better usability and proficiency we have made separate modules for different tasks and these are to be attached to the main chassis as the requirement of the process at that time.