Robot Operating System


Autonomous Algorithms
Deep Learning

Deep Learning


To successfully operate SWEEP, we extensively used ROS for algorithm designing and testing, AI/ML for waste segregation and traversal, Various sensors involved in sensing wastes, obstacles etc.
With help of these we developed an autonomous Algorithm for ultimate movement which forms the core of the robot.


ROS is a pseudo operating system mainly used in Linux OS. It provides various tools like the RViz, Gazebo etc. ROS greatly enhances our capability for simulation and testing of our models in real world like scenarios including obstacles, different paths etc.
We have done the main algorithm and design testing using ROS.


It is a 3-D Simulation tool provided by ROS. It provides a real world like scenario by incorporating a programmed physics engine. We used Gazebo to launch our designed model and various individual parts into its pseduo real world and testing such as autonomous navigation algorithm check was done by placing obstacles along the defined path.
It helps to do these testing without having to actually build any parts.


Sensors help to perform action based on the input feedback data in real time.
We have used HCSR04 ultrasonic sensors for purpose of obstacle avoidance.
To achieve waste segregation we have used capacitive proximity sensors which helps in sorting waste based on dielectric properties of various materials.
QMC5883L sensor integrated with GPS and RPI-4 was used for orientation purpose based on user input

Autonomous Algorithms

The Bot incoprorates sophisticated integration of various algorithms to achieve its desired goals.
Area coverage algorithm is a state of the art algorithm to efficiently cover the user defined area guided by GPS.
Obstacle avoidance algorithm helps in changing the trajectory based on the obstacles encountered in the vicinity.
Orientation algorithm enables the bot to orient itself to a desired direction and alter its course of trajectory.

Deep Learning

We have mainly explored the world of Deep Learning, which was used for the segregation part.
A highly efficient and accurate model was built which was tested on numerous data sets of different categories of wastes.
The input for the model was taken through a camera and a smart control system was used which determined the type of waste using the output of the Deep Learning Model and segregated it accordingly.